We cannot claim to have any union with God if we are not merciful to others. Be Merciful and Compassionate.
By Ignatius Vaz
Had a right knee ligament tear and 3 other tears in the same leg for the last 12 yars. This is confirmed by the MRI Scan done at Bhatia Hospital. Was adviced to do a Surgery of the knee in Oct 2008 as per the doctor's advice at KEM hospital, Parel. Especially, in the last 2 years have experienced a lot of pain in the knee and discomfort too. Got this injury while playing football. Was not able to sit on chairs or walk long distances. Have attended 2 retreats and 1 Sat Prayer Serivce. Praise God for completely reducing the pain in the knee. I thank God and the priests at Tabor Ashram/Bhavan for conducting the retreat and preaching the word of God to me and my family. Have received a lot of blessings also. I know God will heal me and I will be able to play football once again.
Praise be to the Lord
For such miracles visit Tabor Ashram/Bhavan, Kamba Village, Varap, P.O. Kalyan - 421301, Thane Dist., Maharashtra, India